Lodi Bowling Bar and Lounge
NO refunds given on any events, lanes, or rooms booked.
WARNING! Bumpers must be raised and lowered by a Lodi Bowling employee ONLY! Note warning stickers and DO NOT touch at any time to avoid bodily injury.
Warning! If you are pregnant, have neck or back problems, heart conditions, recent surgery, fresh stitches, or other health concerns, please follow your physician's advice.
Only 1 person at a time on a lane unless you are assisting someone.
DO NOT hit sweeps with balls & only throw 1 ball at a time!
DO NOT go past the foul line. Lanes are very slippery. We do not want you to fall.
NEVER leave children unattended. NO RUNNING at any time in the center.
Wearing BOWLING SHOES is required at all times when bowling! Shoes are not to be worn outside the building at any time. Clean soles help prevent the chance of injury.
NEVER put hands or body parts in the ball return.
Report all mechanical problems, spills or other concerns to a Lodi Bowling employee immediately. Press the video intercom.
Respect bowlers on lanes next to yours. Proper Bowling Etiquette – allow bowlers on approaches to the left or right of you to roll their ball before you step on the approach. Simple kindness results in less distractions & more fun for everyone.
When finished, leave all bowling balls on the ball return racks. We sanitize them before returning to the ball selection racks.
Check for your belongings in the seating area when bowling time ends. Please dispose of trash in trash cans provided. Help us keep things tidy for the next customers bowling on the lanes.